I have more class than to call someone a jackass (well, actually, I don't), but Gruber is once again picking on the second most influential and intelligent writer in the tech industry, my good friend and pundit, leader of the heavily-staffed Enderle Group, Rob Enderle.
I don't know what's up with guys like Gruber. This long-winded T-shirt salesman needs to go back to work. Get a real job, hippie. Maybe you could write a tech site like mine...the most popular Windows Site in the Known Universe. Seriously.
I should point out that in addition to being an unemployed hippie, Gruber is also a Yankees fan.
That's three strikes.
I would like to point out that his blog is most definitely more popular than this one.
Not this site, shawnyq, this site.
I would like to point out that sarcasm appears to be lost on shawnyq
Real blog pretending to be a fake blog.
I forgot that everything on the internet is sarcasm. That way no one has to take responsibility for what they say.
"i wuz j/k."
Even as a t-shirt salesman, he sucks. Just got mine - 2 months before my subscription runs out.
"... my good friend ... Rob Enderle"
Funny you should say that. In his latest post, Dan of Roughly Drafted wonders if Paul Thurrott and Rob Enderele are the same person:
"That [Rob Enderle's list of "talking points"] sounds a lot like the Paul Thurrott take on iTunes. Do you guys share a podcast or something? Are you secretly the same person?"
Not sure I should have posted this - next thing someone will start up a Fake Rob Enderle blog.
Nice string of ad hominem. You guys really are influencing my opinions with this thread. Great job.
“I think Windows is Exciting!”
I cannot think of anything more damming to say than that statement.
I am not Paul Thurrott. I am an equally hot property.
You can quote me on that.
"Enderle" is actually from the Latin.
do we really need another fake celebrity blog? i think steve took care of it.
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